Monday, March 29, 2010

What a cute little puppy

okay so puppy Linux is pretty cool and easy to use. If you've never tried it you probably should (I made a jalapeƱo that looked like Adolf Hitler ha ha) im using it and its new so I stumble sometimes but its still usable fun drawing and a realy cool rubix cube program. So if you havent tried it go and see that cute little puppy.

the first day (it sucks)

Okay so if you read the first piece you know that i am suspended from school. Today was so boring I'm gonna freak out its pretty sad when your so bored you cover your skateboard in white duct tape and draw a devil face on it. That's me and I'v got the rest of today and then Tuesday and Wednesday. I then started to ride it that was a mistake . I proceeded to fall and hurt my behind (the nice way for children). I am so bored I might even break my grounding (I know Id never do that) *wink*.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

day one

ok first I'd like to say I'm only 14 and I'm not gonna have the most mature best blog ever. deal! ok into the blog. right now I'm suspended from school. why? because I stabbed someone with a paper clip yeah crappy reason didn't even leave a mark. the way I see it I should have gotten detention but I'm probably never gonna say I should be punished anyway. here's what happened I walk up during the work part of class with a paperclip in my hand. as I normaly do I unbent it and so it was a straight piece of metal not a good thing for a teenager to have in there hand. I don't remember why but I poked scott with it and as a lot of people would he flipped. he yelled and told me he was telling (tattle tale not normally his bag but hey) so he told the teacher who called the office and during all this I threw away the paper clip (panicing) but instead principal found a straight pin and everyone said that's what I used so I was suspended for three days on friday last hour and tommorow is day one.